Nowadays, we are surrounded by electronic devices in our everyday lives, such as, phones, computer, etc. The electronic devices have become an indispensable part of our lives. At the situation, 2025 3rd Asia Conference on Electronics Engineering (ACEE 2025) will be held in Seoul, South Korea during April 19-21, 2025. It aims to bring together researchers in the related areas, which devoted their work to push the development of electronics engineering.
The conference topics include several tracks, such
as, Electronics, Control and Computer Systems,
Telecommunication Engineering, Computer Engineering,
etc. ACEE 2024 conference seeks papers presenting
significant and novel research results on emerging
electronics engineering and its applications. We
especially encourage submissions that present novel
experimentation, creative use of electronic
technologies, and new insights made possible using
All papers will be sent to 2-3 peer-reviewers for reviewing. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers after proper registration and presentation, will be published into ACEE 2025 conference proceedings by AIP, and submitted for indexing by Scopus (Elsevier), CPCI (part of Web of Science), Inspec, CAS, etc.
All papers accepted and presented on ACEE 2024 have been published into ACEE 2024 conference proceedings, included in IEEE xplore, and index by Ei compendex and Scopus.
The paper or abstract could be submitted by Electronic Submission System. Please note that only full paper could be accepted for publication.
Participants should sign in and pick up materials on the first day. The keynote speeches and parallel sessions will be arranged on the following two days.
Early-bird Registration is available by January15, 2025. Feel free to register as delegate to attend the conference if you don't have a paper to present.
We've set some important dates for all participants. Please watch out the deadlines.
ACEE 2025 conference seeks papers presenting significant and novel research results on emerging electronics engineering and its applications. We especially encourage submissions that present novel experimentation, creative use of electronic technologies, and new insights made possible using analysis. We invite submissions on a wide range of electronics engineering’s topics. The list of topics include, but not limited to: