April 19, 2025

10:00 am-12:00 pm: Online Test

02:00 pm-04:00 pm: Conference Check-in and Materials Collection

April 20, 2025

09:00 am-09:10 am: Opening Remarks & Welcome Speech

09:10 am-09:55 am: Keynote Speech I

09:55 am-10:30 am: Group Photos and Coffee Break Time

10:30 am-11:15 am: Keynote Speech II

11:15 am-12:00 pm: Keynote Speech III

12:00 pm-01:30 pm: Lunch Break Time

01:30 pm-02:00 pm: Invited Speech I

02:00 pm-03:30 pm: Oral Presentation I & II

03:30 pm-04:00 pm: Coffee Break Time

04:00 pm-06:00 pm: Oral Presentation III & IV

06:00 pm-08:00 pm: Dinner Time

April 21, 2025

09:00 am-09:30 am: Invited Speech II

09:00 am-10:00 am: Coffee Break

10:00 am-12:00 pm: Oral Presentation V & VI

12:00 pm-01:30 pm: Lunch Break Time

01:30 pm-03:45 pm: Oral Presentation VII & VIII

04:00 pm-04:30 pm: Closing Ceremony