The following time arrangement is for reference only. In case any absence or some presentations are less than 15 minutes, please come before your session starts.

A best presentation will be selected from each session which will be announced and awarded an excellent oral presentation certificate at the end of this session.

: Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer:
: Laptops (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader);
: Projectors & Screen;
: Laser Sticks;

: Materials Provided by the Presenters:
: Oral Presentation: PowerPoint or PDF files (Please copy your slide file to conference laptop desktop before session starts);
: Poster Presentation: height 1.8m * width 0.8m, Portrait Direction;

: Duration of Each Presentation:
: Regular Oral Session: about 15 Minutes of Presentation including Q&A.
: Keynote Speech: 40 Minutes of Presentation including Q&A.
: Plenary Speech: 30 Minutes of Presentation including Q&A.

: About Dress Code
: All participants are required to dress formally. Casual wear is unacceptable.
: National formal dress is acceptable.